The American Motorcyclist Association was founded on three key pillars: Rights, Riding and Racing. With that mantra in mind AMA has parted ways with Michael Sayre and appointed Nick Haris as Government Relations Director, while also restructuring and evolving its Government Relations Department to better serve members and support its mission: to promote the motorcycle lifestyle and protect the future of motorcycling.
“The AMA Government Relations Department stands on the front lines in the defense of motorcyclists’ rights, and we are committed to continuing our investment in a team that ensures the effectiveness of these efforts,” said AMA President and CEO Rob Dingman. “Nick has a long record of success working in our Government Relations Department and will bring skilled leadership to his new role as the Government Relations Director.”
Previously the Western States Representative in the Government Relations Department, Haris has held an advocacy role with the AMA since 2001. He also serves on the Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme Commission for Mobility, is a member of the California Motorcycle Safety Program advisory committee, and sits on the California Outdoor Recreation Foundation board of directors. As Haris steps into his new role as Director, the Government Relations Department will also have a new structure that refocuses the team’s efforts to better represent motorcyclists at all levels of government: federal, regional, state and local.
As part of this evolution, the team will bring on board an experienced Washington Representative to monitor and influence policies and programs at the federal level. To increase representation at the regional and state level, the AMA is adding Central States and Eastern States Representatives to the team, while Haris will concurrently work as the Western States Representative along with his director duties. At the local level, the AMA will hire a Grassroots Specialist to coordinate and support government relations activities of local members, clubs and affiliates across the country.
“I’m encouraged that we are adjusting the way we do government relations,” Haris said. “Structuring it to better meet the needs of our members and engage with elected officials. Regionalization of the department allows our team to better establish and cultivate relationships with legislators and State Motorcyclist Rights Organizations. This restructure allows our team to be more responsive and agile when it comes to taking action on behalf of our members in a timely manner.”
The AMA is the largest and most influential motorcycling organization in the nation, with more than 214,000 members who ride for fun, sport, travel work or adventure. Its members are part of a diverse and passionate community of riders who love the freedom and thrill of riding and racing. The AMA Government Relations Department makes sure that motorcyclists can enjoy riding without unnecessary hassles or restrictions from the government, while advocating for laws and funding that expand riding opportunities.